Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What is Pressure Washing?

Pressure washing or power washing is the use of high-pressure water spray to remove loose paint, mold, grime, dust, mud, and dirt from surfaces and objects such as buildings, vehicles and concrete surfaces. The volume of a mechanical pressure washer is expressed in gallons or liters per minute, often designed into the pump and not variable. The pressure, expressed in pounds per square inch, pascals, or bar, is designed into the pump but can be varied by adjusting the unloader valve. Machines that produce pressures from 750 to 30,000 psi (5 to 200 MPa) or more are available.

The terms pressure washing and power washing are used interchangeably in many scenarios, and there is some debate as to whether they are actually different processes.

A pressure washing surface cleaner is a tool consisting of two to four high-pressure jets on a rotating bar that swivels when water is flowing. This action creates a uniformed cleaning pattern that can clean flat surfaces at a rapid rate.

Hydro-jet cleaning is a more powerful form of power washing, employed to remove buildup and debris in tanks and lines.

Read more, here.


StarCare Power Wash, Inc.
4849 Robinson Rd.
Vacaville, CA 95688

Contact Form


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Our Vision, Our Mission


To be the best full-service pressure and soft washing company in the exterior cleaning industry today, tomorrow, and for centuries to come.


StarCare Power Wash, Inc. is a full-service pressure and soft washing team that exists to make our local community and beyond a cleaner and brighter place to live.


StarCare Power Wash, Inc.
4849 Robinson Rd.
Vacaville, CA 95688

Contact Form


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

Get To Know Us.

Family-owned and operated, community driven, and future focused. We believe in quality, superb results, relationships and offer the StarCare your property deserves with professionalism, technique, and poise.

We are a corporation (with a large family – 9 kids total) who started this venture together initially as a partnership with careful preparation and proper training. We take pride in our team and work hard to bring a cleaner and brighter future to the community and your property. We are all about working hard and playing hard because without fun, what’s the point?

Our goal and commitment are to our family and this community. StarCare is here to stay and contribute to the curb appeal of this region, attracting people all over to your place of business or home. Let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do for you or someone you know!


StarCare Power Wash, Inc.
4849 Robinson Rd.
Vacaville, CA 95688

Contact Form


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Customer Said This Was RIDICULOUS! This Transformation Was INSANE!

This is probably my best pressure cleaning video to date! I'm super excited to show you all this transformation and gorgeous property! The customers reaction is also priceless and I hope you all enjoy!


StarCare Power Wash, Inc.
4849 Robinson Rd.
Vacaville, CA 95688

Contact Form


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Keeping Bugs at Bay : The Benefits of Pressure Washing for Home Pest Control

As temperatures rise and seasons change, so too does the influx of pests seeking refuge in our homes. From ants marching through kitchen countertops to spiders lurking in dark corners, unwanted bugs can quickly become a nuisance. However, there's a powerful ally in the battle against these invaders: pressure washing. While often associated with cleaning outdoor surfaces, pressure washing offers a myriad of benefits for preventing bugs from infiltrating your home.

1. Eliminating Nesting Sites:

One of the primary attractions for bugs seeking shelter indoors is the presence of conducive environments for nesting and breeding. Over time, dirt, grime, and mildew accumulate on exterior surfaces such as siding, decks, and patios, providing ideal conditions for pests to thrive. Pressure washing effectively removes these layers of buildup, depriving bugs of their preferred habitats and reducing the likelihood of infestations.

2. Removing Food Sources:

In addition to nesting sites, bugs are also drawn to food sources around the exterior of your home. Spilled food, grease stains, and decaying organic matter can attract ants, roaches, and other pests, leading them closer to your living spaces. Pressure washing effectively cleans away these residues, depriving pests of the sustenance they need to survive and deterring them from venturing indoors.

3. Disrupting Entry Points:

Small cracks, crevices, and gaps in your home's exterior provide convenient entry points for pests seeking shelter from the elements. Over time, these openings can go unnoticed and unaddressed, allowing bugs easy access into your living spaces. Pressure washing not only cleans these surfaces but also helps to identify and highlight potential entry points, allowing homeowners to take proactive measures such as sealing cracks and repairing damaged areas to prevent pests from gaining entry.

4. Deterrent Effect:

The forceful stream of water produced by pressure washing not only cleans surfaces but also serves as a deterrent to pests. Many insects, including ants and spiders, are sensitive to changes in their environment and may be discouraged by the disruption caused by pressure washing. Regularly washing the exterior of your home can create an inhospitable environment for pests, reducing the likelihood of infestations and minimizing the need for chemical pesticides.

5. Promoting Overall Cleanliness:

Beyond its impact on pest control, pressure washing contributes to the overall cleanliness and maintenance of your home. By removing dirt, mold, and other contaminants from exterior surfaces, pressure washing enhances the aesthetic appeal of your property and prolongs the lifespan of materials such as siding, concrete, and wood. A clean and well-maintained home not only looks better but also creates a less hospitable environment for pests to thrive.


In the ongoing battle against household pests, prevention is key. By incorporating pressure washing into your regular home maintenance routine, you can effectively deter bugs from infiltrating your living spaces and enjoy a cleaner, more pest-free environment. From eliminating nesting sites to disrupting entry points and promoting overall cleanliness, pressure washing offers a range of benefits for keeping bugs at bay and maintaining a healthy home.


StarCare Power Wash, Inc.
4849 Robinson Rd.
Vacaville, CA 95688

Contact Form
