Saturday, April 14, 2018

What To Look For In A Commercial Pressure Washing Company

  • The first and foremost is for the contractor to have the right amount and kinds of insurance. Your condominium cleaning or parking garage pressure washing job will dictate the amount of liability insurance a contractor should carry. UAMCC contractors have been certified to carry liability insurance policies. As a general rule of thumb, only legitimate companies carries insurance so considering a UAMCC commercial cleaning company is a step in the right direction.

An additional insurance that most state’s mandate is for a contractor that has employees to carry a Workmen’s Compensation policy. This protects your business and/or your client from repercussions if a worker is hurt on a job site.

  • The contractor should have experience. Large projects such as parking garage cleaning and multi-story exterior washing is not something that every company is equipped to handle. Ask for a couple references of previous jobs. Call those references to make sure everything went well on their projects. Unforeseen circumstances arise. It is the experienced contractor that handles issues quickly and with competence.
  • The right equipment and labor force to meet project deadlines. Large surface concrete cleaning requires hot water pressure washers and surface cleaners. Retail storefront cleaning may have lower equipment demands.
  • A contractor should be in compliance with both EPA and OSHA standards of practice. Every jurisdiction has its own special requirements but please understand.. The EPA’s Clean Water Act is a federal law that basically stipulates that nothing but rain water can go down a storm sewer. The UAMCC staff has heard stories of businesses being fined in excess of $10,000 for a first occurrence. Talk to your contractor. He or she should be educated in your local requirements and meet the minimum standards for capturing wash water runoff.
  • Licensing requirements vary from state to state and even township to township. Check with your local municipality to be sure your contractor is licensed to perform work in your area.
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